There was a lot of hype about the innovative FPS a while back but then disappeared. To my knowledge there haven't been any official statements for the delayed release date. Although if I were Raven-Software I may have wanted to have a second look at the contracts after the whole Infinity Ward fiasco.

Development directed a lot of focus on an elaborate story for the game. Raven's Brian Raffel is a mega 1950's Sci-Fi fan and applied what he loved about those stories to the game's plot. It all starts back in the 1950's when the U.S.S.R and the U.S.A were looking for anything to tip the scales during the Cold War. Uncovered was a time altering technology by manipulating the powerful E99 compound. The Soviets were able to create powerful machines that produced enormous amounts energy and had supernatural like powers on an isolated island. But the technology was deemed far too destructive and was wrapped up and classified by both the U.S and Russia. Due to the fact that during the experiments, there was a devastating explosion that had bizarre and tragic consequences.
Perhaps the most bizarre is that the island suffers from time waves that bring the island back to the 1950's and then forward again. Nate Renko is an American recon pilot ordered to fly over the uncharted island. As he flies over he is shot down by an unknown source. Renko is now stranded on this island which has strange and deadly inhabitants. Not only are there there Russians hunting you, there are also strange, insect like creatures that seem to be out for blood, not to mention old Soviet ghosts who are trapped reliving the day of the accident. Renko discovers an amazing time altering device that he uses to navigate his way around this insane island. And it will only get crazier once a time wave strolls through booting Renko back to the Cold War.
The time altering device is small enough for Nate to fasten it to his left hand. But don't let the size fool you, this is thing has some crazy abilities.
1. Age- You can hurl your enemies forward in time turning them into nothing but bones. Age also works on the environment around you. For example if you want to block the path of your enemies you might age a perfectly good bridge so they can't cross.
2. Revert- opposite of Age, so using our bridge as an example you can restore a rusted, broken bridge to brand spanking new. Now the effect this has on humans is rather interesting, and no you will not be killing babies. Instead you will revert your human enemies to "placental reverts" that live a short, intolerable existence.
3. Stasis- This ability pulls an object out of time itself freezing it's personal timeline.
4. Impulse- Violently pushes objects away from you.
So obviously if you combine Stasis and Impulse together you have "the force." But hey that's a fun power to have.
Now, a time altering device is awesome, but I'm a shooter, and luckily there's guns. Most likely you'll be wielding SMG's, Pistols, and Shotguns. I have no arguments there, all of those are good killin' weapons.
Now let's hope Raven and Activision can pull off this complex mixture of story and play.