Monday, January 18, 2010

Geek Chic Lifestyle Tip #3 (We need to talk hair)

Hello again foxy ladies, time to talk about hair. I won't lie, I might be a little harsh on this one. Just know, I'm not trying to turn into some cookie cutter betty, there's just a few rules I strongly recommend following.

1. I know you guys know this, but there's a few friends of mine who try to bend this one because of their lack of social interaction. All hair needs to be washed regularly. For some textures it's daily for others there may be a couple days in between. Rule of thumb is your hair should NOT be oily or clumping, that's gonna make your face break out. So you need to wash before it gets to that point. And when washing it's very important to message the scalp. And for most hair textures, you gotta, gotta blow dry. Most hair textures look dull and almost like you didn't wash it all if you let it air dry.

2. This ain't Home Depot. Do it yourself rarely works out when it comes to hair. I know your bangs are gettin' long and they're hangin' in your face, go ahead and sweep them to one side until you can get a pro on that. Your local hair stylist is your friend. Stylists won't do anything without your permission, but sometimes they have great suggestions so you might wanna listen. You don't have to throw down a ton of cash for a good cut either. Also, I wouldn't let more than three months go by between cuts.

3. The ethereal long hair look. Okay, Bonks loves ya, but here it goes. If you're gonna have this long hair you have to MAINTAIN that mane. That means washing, blow drying, straightening, and hair styling product. It's a lot of work, and if you're not up to it, I strongly recommend investing in a wig or extensions. There is nothing worse than seeing a perfectly beautiful young woman with frizzy, lifeless, limp hair down to her thighs. And no pulling it back into a ponytail and or enormous bun does not help, at all. I would also like state that no one should have their hair any longer than a couple inches past their bust, any length after that is near impossible to maintain. On another note, a ton of hair with a singular length for all strands doesn't have a whole lot of life to it. You may want to consider layers.

4. Color. Oh ladies I love color, and I'm going to say that you can have your hair any color you want but I do want you to be aware of a few things. A full head of dyed pink hair is no doubt a statement, but if you're not in high school, it might limit you. Finding a job might be harder as well as being taken seriously. I know, that blows, I wish I could tell you to dye on until you pass out from the chemical smells, but I care about you so I can't. Now, if you're in a professional situation where your radical dye jobs are embraced, work really hard cuz you've probably got an awesome gig. But for most professional situations, I'd hate to see any of you held back because you love purple so much that you had to cover your head with it. This would be a another situation where wigs can save the day. They come in all colors and cuts, you can save a ton of time and bad smells.

Okay, I'm glad we could have that talk. I love you guys and I'll check in with you soon.


  1. I am trying with the long hair maintenance and I have to admit I am guilty as charged on more than a few of these problems. I like the up in a bun look...It makes me feel like a school teacher or squirrel, but yes, some maintenance would do me good. This whole conversation makes me want to take a long dip in the bath and do some aromatherapy.

    Oh, I need a haircut indeed!


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