Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Mouth-breathing....A serious XBL threat (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
My Gaming is Not a Political Statement (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)

Saturday, August 14, 2010
Did You Know? "Bad Kids Go to Hell" (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)
Friday, July 9, 2010
Brainstorm Celebrates X-Men (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)
Take a great shop like Brainstorm, add a few fun local artists and you get a wonderful afternoon.
X-men has been nothing but hectic with "Second Coming" and the highly anticipated restaffing of " X-Factor" not to mentions Liu's X-23 to come out in September. Brainstorm hosted some great local artists such as Dave Lossso, Ryan Browne, Nino Mesarina along with his talented son 'Lil Nino, and Alejandro Rosado.
Our own Sugar Momma splurged on a few books, from purchasing Slott's (Hi Dan!) "Initiative," to Losso's Sandwich Detective and Browne's "God Hates Astronauts." She even gifted me a Rosado style Wolverine sketch which is cute as a button and now hanging up in my kitchen.
The staff at Brainstorm are great, knowledgeable but not to a fault and really looking to help enrich one's collection. You truly get a full experience with Brainstorm. This was a great event and we wanna remind all our comic book reading friends to get a little sun and fresh air and support events like this to keep your local spots thriving.
Thanks guys, stay cool.
HTC Premiers its Hottest Devices in Style (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)
New York, L.A, and our own Chicago all served as showcases for HTC's lattest phones. The Aria, the HD2 and the 4G device putting Sprint back in the game, the EVO. HTC set up shop at Chicago's Enclave complete with a decent DJ and Guitar Hero.
There were three lucky winners who took home phones from the raffle, the last winner had to dance for it (not advisable for a party full of tech geeks).
AT&T made a brilliant move picking up the Aria, considering the latest iPhone has hit a few speed bumps already. Meanwhile T-Mobile snapped up the the HD2 showing once again T-Mobile understands the public demand for hot phones. But the star was no doubt the EVO. Sprint will be giving everyone a run for their money with this incredibly capable phone.
All three are compact with big beautiful screens and a decent amount of durability. Sleek display and touch screens for all. HTC not only makes handsome phones, but makes them very accessible with reasonable pricing. The event was staffed with more than enough reps and PR to answer any and all questions, I consider their job pretty light as the party was mainly tech fans and these phones had practically sold themselves. However the staff were helpful and clearly passionate about their product. The night was conducted very much more like a celebration than a sales pitch which is why the event a great success. Thank you HTC for a lovely evening.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Geek Chic Lifestyle #7 Shopping, Courtesy of Akira (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Geek Chic Special: Vic, Take This Man Home (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)
Saturday, June 19, 2010
E3 Special: Showed up for the Gig, Partied with the Rockband (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)
In the middle of the Expo floor in the West Hall was what appeared to be some sort of awesome rock bar on the strip. Dingy lighting, a big bouncer dude with tats standing by the velvet rope, hot chicks all over the place. The booth belonged to GIG, a new music game trying to give Rockband a run for its money. The boss and I sat down and played a song. Her on guitar, me on drums, we looked pretty good.
The guitar controller had strings and you do play with a pick. The drum set was interesting. A solid piece with sticks, the drum circles respond to to the lasers in the drum sticks. I have to say this was pretty fun and easy. I really enjoyed the range of motion I had. Meanwhile Sugar Momma was having a blast on the guitar just plucking away. So I left Gig thinking "it could give Rockband a little competition." I mean everything was just more compact and sleek.
Next day, South Hall, standing in line outside the Rockband concert hall booth, I'm looking at two very awesome guitar controllers. One was a real guitar, and then there was the mustang with keys for the frets and strings at the base, can we say rockstar status?
So we take a seat in the little theater and some Rockband press stuff comes on a big TV, complete with Cartman's performance of Poker Face. Then the curtain opens, we're suddenly viewing a seven man White Snake extravaganza, complete with keyboard. Holy cow. They were all development staff for the game and they were working that stage. (We'll be posting that video in our featured section soon)
After our delightful show we were bombarded with a zillion awesome and jaw dropping facts. Wanna know some of 'em?
- There is now a Keyboard controller. It can also be used for base and or guitar. Also, if you have a keyboard with a midi output you can just plug that bad boy in and go for a Magic Carpet Ride. MadCatz made an awesome wireless keyboard controller that's small and really let's you work on your stage presence as one of the performers demonstrated (he was amazing).
- As mentioned before you can now use a real guitar.
'Nuff said.
- Drop in or out anytime and it won't cause any agony or band breakups.
- The whole "nobody push any buttons!" dilemma has been fixed.
-Change your difficulty in mid-play.
- There's a challenge mode which allows you to unlock achievements and for the first time ever, you can win Rockband (I don't think it will be as South Park predicted)
- Create your own set lists on Rockband.com and they're waiting for you on your console.
- 2000 songs available for this game.
The title has really expanded its reach from the very casual gamer to the hardcore Rockband tourney contenders. I'll admit I was one of those people saying "music games are fizzling out." Yeah...not at all, this game will be a must at all the Hollywood parties. *DING* *DING* *DING* Sorry Gig but we have a winner. Congratulations Rockband, you honestly outdid yourself.
E3 Speical: Gears of War Threeway (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)
Where do you want me to start? Any requests? Are you tired of me asking an obnoxious amount of questions in my articles when I already have the answers? Me too, so you'll never guess who's back for part three, Berzerker! Yes it will give you a hard time but it's good to see old friends again right? Such a shame the Locust aren't at the top of the food chain anymore. Looks like they have a little bug problem of their own. The parasite mutates our little locust friends into even uglier and crazier buggers that are lovingly nicknamed "Savage Locust."
This is a whole new kind of nightmare we're up against. All new enemy abilities make this game very surprised filled, certainly not the same song and dance. Naturally this game is still based on taking cover but you'll have much more range and options.
As always the environments look incredible. Be prepared to see a little pop of color in some the stages. By the by the Lancer comes with a purdy little bayonet for the stabbing. This game really looks f**king amazing, typical Gears fashion everything around you is rich with shadow and deep pigments.
Oh yes, don't let me forget. There's two Cogs I'd like you to meet. Sugar Gamers, brace yourselves, we've got some lady Cogs on our hands.
For those who read the books this is no surprise but she looks good in pixels don't you think?
If you're anything like me you wanna know what's going on with horde. Yeah well tough luck sisters their mouths were sealed shut on that one. As always, I'm gonna hope this is a good thing. The presentation was kept a little short, fun fact, George Lopez and his entourage totally budged ahead of our appointment! FTP. So yeah, from the short time we had, I'm gonna have to have this one.
E3 Special: The 'Ol Halo Reach Around (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)
I needed a cigarette after this appointment, it was that good. My mouth was literally agape the whole time. I didn't think it was possible for me to be more geeked for Reach after the beta. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT THEY DID TO FIREFIGHT?! DO YOU?! You can customize your firefight! Customize each wave by choosing what you're fighting and how. "What do you mean 'how' Bonks?" Dude, you can customize skulls and even create your own! Imagine wave after wave of grunts with birthday hats on.
It's all possible. Now, once you've created your customized game you can upload it to your fileshare. That's right, Bungie wants it's community to create some sick firefight games that they can use. It's pretty much like Forge for Firefight. Speaking of Forge, they would not breathe a word which is a sign of good things to come in my opinion.
You wanna hear some more cool shit?! Cuz I've got more! Let's talk campaign. First thing I noticed, the soundtrack is wicked you know it's Halo music but you also know they took it up a notch. Of course it's a real beauty to look at, wait 'til you see this cutaway I got to stare at Tex Avery style. Marines don't just stand around in awe of your Spartaness anymore, they've got their own shit going on. There is so much going on around you, the game let's you know, you're at war and it's time to Spartan stomp some bitches.
So now you're working with a team as Noble, the new guy and or girl. Oh yes ladies, Lady Spartans actually look like chicks! We have been blessed with a sleek and sexy silhouette, finally! Can I get an AMEN ladies?! Woooooooo!
Alright, so we know there's gonna be some hot new weapons, I got a chance to see the new concussion rifle in action; fear the business end of that motherf**ker. Now I want you to remember this term, "Drop Shield." For those of you who played Halo Wars you'll know what this is. The Drop Shield radiates health for you and anyone fortunate enough to be around, needless to say that's pretty handy. Another Halo Wars reference, you will be able to call in some air strikes. One last fun thing I wanna lay on you guys, your customized will not only follow you into multiplayer combat but also the campaign.
Go ahead and wipe the drool off your keyboard.
E3 Special: Bethesda, In the Hood Rollin' Hard (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)
E3 Special: Nexon, Let Freeware Ring (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)
Friday, June 18, 2010
E3 Special: Go Go Awesome Gadgets! (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
E3 Pre-Game, Drink It In (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)
Friday, May 28, 2010
Let There be Tyrannis! (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)

mine and conquer planets. There are countless planets in Eve that are ripe with valuable resources. It may also be all about the location, or a planet might just serve as a corporate clubhouse. Not all planets are the nicest of neighborhoods if you know what I mean, be weary of pirates! Taking these planets for oneself is no "care bear" task. This is an open invitation for space war mayhem.