Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Prince of Persia/ Airbender Race Relations: (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)

Oh my goodness, please don't start picketing folks. So, Airbender and Perisa have both cast whiteys for characters who are Persian and Asian. If you guys haven't seen the comments floating out there, this thing is amazing. I love that white guilt is so 2006. You've got minorities calling bullshit on the casting meanwhile whiteys are saying "I am soooo tired of the f**king race card." Well, at least we have an open dialog going, that's progress. Seriously, you guys should reddit this stuff there are some hysterical comments out there.

I love that this quickly went from questionable casting decisions to a full out race war. I personally find it a little tragic at how much spray tan they had to slap on Gyllenhal to get him to look the part. Look, my protest with Jake getting the part is I don't personally find him hot enough. There were cos players at ACEN that looked wayyyy hotter in that outfit, they even waxed! As for Airbender, I really couldn't give a shit, I have no intention of seeing it, but it is kind of amazing they couldn't find a little Asian kid to kick some ass.

Nerds should be totally used to this. Patrick Stewart was supposed to be Jean Luc Picard, a Frenchman (Calm down everyone, I am pro Picard, but I also took French for 13 years). Who then later made fun of Sean Connery in "Men in Tights" for playing King Richard with a blatant Scottish accent. Kirsten Dunst as Mary Jane, a character well known for her bust which Dunst just does not have. Hallie Barry would have made an a great Cat Woman if not for the shitty writing of that gawd awful suckfest. Sam Jackson is Nick Fury now, and it's awkward at best but no tears shed. It's all part of the movie magic guys! Pass me some Swedish Fish would ya?

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