Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Geek Chic Lifestyle #2 (Hittin' the Gym)

Happy new year geeky ladies! New games comin' out, DLC's, all sorts of goodies. But a healthy geek is a better player, and that's a fact. You cannot touch me on Halo after a good workout. Lots of people make the resolution to loose weight and hit the gym, geeks included. It's not a bad idea, unfortunately so many things go so wrong so fast with this kind of thing. First of all, speak with a DOCTOR, not your cousins bff, not the guy at the health food store. Gym trainers make me nervous, I personally have had horrible experiences, but also some good ones. A doctor can at least give you some guidelines that you can bring to the trainer. My main tip is to start slow and listen to your body.
I know a few girls, Sugar Gamers included, who have anxieties about going to the gym. "People will stare at me and judge me." "I don't belong there." Blah blah blah blah blah, come on now ladies we are geeks and we are chic! Truth be told, I thought all the same things. Then when I went I found out most people are in their own world when they're workin' out, most of them listening to ipods or even reading books. It's not like highschool where someone would walk up to you and say something mean, everyone respects everyone else's space. If it's really hard to shake your gym fear, go ahead and bring a friend. Although, for the friend thing to work out you both have to be committed. Maybe bring that friend that's just a little bit too motivated, you know, the one that complains that you sleep in too much. You can't feel uncool with a buddy and it's someone to be accountable to so that you stick with your exercise plan.
I've heard complaints that some of you don't know what to wear to the gym. Sweatpants, tee-shirt or tank top, and gym shoes. I don't consider your good pair of chucks to be gym shoes. I also strongly suggest a sports bra. Oh, lace and thong underwear are a bad idea, keep it simple in the pants. Whoops! Almost forgot, BRING A WATER BOTTLE!!! Towel is also suggested for heavy sweaters. And bring a lock for the locker.
Good eating really does compliment exercise. You don't have to go organic or anything, just use a little more caution and common sense. When you combine the two you'll notice that "healthy" feeling a lot sooner. That means more energy and focus, what else does a gaming lady need? Just remember, I believe in you and if some gym rat hates on you, I'll take care of them.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Characters I Hate #1

I'll give you a hint, Halo Wars, snazzy little military uniform and always has to make a comment every time you give her an order.

Look Serina, I get it, you're A.I and you're really geeked about having a personality. But if you were a physical human, I think you'd have a lot of trouble landing a nice guy since you'd be a DATING NIGHTMARE. If it were me giving you orders, I'd expect you to 100% support me no matter the situation! By support I don't mean sputtering out little smartass comments under your giga breath!

Between fighting a war and having no time for video games, the last thing I'd want is attitude from the freakin computer who is incapable of having cellulite! Do as I say or I'll replace you with something that will. Let's take a moment and think what makes Cortana so user friendly. Let's say I gave both of you the same order like "Land the Ship in that unladable forest."

Cortana's response: "Got it, prepare for impact and cross your fingers we don't take too much damage."

Serina's response: "Of course, nothing like damaging your ship beyond repair leaving you stranded on a planet with flesh eating birds waiting to pluck your eyes out. I'll get right on that."

You see all those syllables between "of course" and "I'll get right on that?" That's the shit I'm talking about. Is there a way you could internalize that negative energy? Try some cyber kick boxing or something? Note how Cortana attempts to keep the outlook as posotive as possible, is it a lie? Yes, but when facing possible death IT'S COMMON FREAKIN' COURTESY, especially considering YOU won't feel a thing. Now look here sassy hot pants. Either you can change your attitude or I'll reprogram you with daisy dukes, a tube top and a menthol hangin' out your mouth. Yeah, you have trying to be taken seriously with denim halfway up your crack. Serina, you need to check yourself princess.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Lag Switch Talk

*For all my FPS home slices out there who are sick and tired of laggy losers hangin' around in multi-player hoppers, this one is for you.*

For those who haven't suffered this yet, I will explain the "Lag Switch." Commonly used if FPS game types, these punks basically make their Internet quit out when they're being shot so they become invincible for short periods of time making it annoyingly hard to kill. I have to take a few deep breaths before I continue, as this issue tends to make my blood boil. Okay lag folk, let's go through the list (Have you noticed yet? I heart lists):

1. Utilizing a lag switch is CHEATING. Just like console and controller mods (in case there was a moron who was wondering.) To try and make it out to be anything else makes you even more pathetic.

2. Being able to use a lag switch does not make you some sort of elite hacker. As the name suggests, you're just flippin' a switch...BFD. There's 10 year olds downloading the youtube lag switch instructional video right now.

3. Everyone hates you.

4. You are not allowed to get mad when people call you out on it, if you're going to be an ass, you might as well embrace it and reply with "Why yes, I used a lag switch because I have an insane amount of insecurities to the point that I can't handle dying in a video game." Or something to that affect.

You laggers should consider yourselves lucky I have a responsibility to keep my language clean or this post would be A LOT longer, and uglier. I'm not going to ask why, because I honestly don't care. I'm not even going to ask you to consider changing your ways, I'm just gonna tell you to get lost and report you punks whenever I have to suffer your lack of gaming skills. If you're goal is to piss people off then yes, you have won, I'm pissed off. So tell me oh spiteful one, what's your prize?

Monday, December 21, 2009

Geek Chic Lifestyle #1 (Social Graces)

Geek Chic Lifestyle tips are for all the nerdy girls who want to find a healthy balance between nerdy chick and sophisticated woman. I want to cast all those stereotypes about geeky women to the wind. I don't want to take away from your personal style, I just want you to be confident and not underestimated or judged. There is nothing wrong with a healthy gaming, or sci fi obsession, but it doesn't mean we have to conform to certain lifestyle or appearance, geeks have the right to be chic.

Considering the holidays are here and face time with family and friends is necessary. I thought it would be a good time to talk about one's social interaction. So many of my geeky lady friends are very reclusive because of their social anxieties, they worry they're not dressed right or won't have anything in common with anyone. Even if both these things are true, you can still have a good time. Geeky women are notoriously intelligent and have vast ranges of interests which make them interesting. I know, cyberspace is great, you don't have to shower, and you can be naked if you want to while communicating, but face to face interaction is something a geek chic woman should conquer. So I've got a list of things you can do, to make social situations easier. All of these things are in reference to things I've seen myself and friends do when we're uncomfortable at social event.

1. Smile, I know it's cliche, but it really does work, it makes you approachable. When you don't make a conscious effort to smile, your nervous energy will show on your face. I'm not talkin' about flashing your teeth everywhere, just turn those corners of your mouth up a little bit. When you happen to make eye contact with someone, even if you don't know them, just go ahead and smile at them anyway maybe give a slight nod. You know, anime style.

2. Body language. NO HUGGING YOURSELF!!! With your arms wrapped around you like that you look terrfied and put people off. My trick, props. If your purse isn't enough to fiddle with, go ahead and grab a drink, it doesn't have to be alcoholic, it can be water for all I care, it just keeps your hands busy.

3. Wallflower syndrome. Leaning against a wall with a forlorn look on your face while texting on your phone is a great way to bring down the mood of an event while making time drag on forever. If you haven't found someone to socialize with yet there are a few things you can do. One, explore your surroundings a little, check out art on the walls or just take notice of the architecture. While doing this just listen for something you can somewhat relate to and go ahead and jump in. Don't hear anything that rings a bell? Then pull a basic, effective female maneuver, compliment another female's outfit or accessory.

4. Your geeky side is a great part of who you are, but when answering questions like "what are some of your interests?" or "So what do you do for fun?" You don't want to overwhelm them with an answer like "I love retro 80's anime like (insert obscure anime title)...." Remember that many of our interests are not in the mainstream, it's not like pilates or pottery. I know I've felt pretty stupid trying to explain to people what anime is to those who have no idea. Some of the things I've gotten away with:

Comic books = "I'm a comic book enthusiast, I really love these new modern stories."

Anime= "I love science fiction, especially the animated series."

Video Games= "I love technology" (Don't judge me)

These answers are often acknowledged and then we move on. Sometimes they are intrigued and ask me to elaborate. Should this happen to you, remember not to overwhelm people with information, keep it general.

5. Don't be someone else. You are you, no time like the present to embrace it. You'll get so caught up in your act that you'll get lost, no fun.

I'm so tired of my fellow geeks shying away because they feel they don't fit. Remember my dear geeky goddesses, everyone has to make face time sometime. And you have the potential to make things interesting, and most importantly, make it your own. Sorry to get mushy on you there, but it's true.

Gaming Zen Tip #1

"The console controller is the bond between one's self and the gaming universe. To throw it in anger is to physically sever the bond."

Whether it be at the wall, TV, or the friend who just whipped your ass, chucking the controller rarely ends well. From the batteries popping out to giving your friend a handsome shiner they'll always treasure, we need to find an alternative to this reflex problem for so many. My number one and most sensible solution is to turn the game off before you get to this point, but that's not your style is it? Now of course the Wii has already somwhat countered this with that snazzy little wristband. If you plan on designing a wristband, a few things to keep in mind: no cutting off of circulartion, purple hands don't game very well. And make sure it's sturdy enough to withstand your highest level of gaming rage. I'm talkin', you walked into a fight with a boss with a ton of lives and all the items you needed and somehow you just got bitchsmacked back to your last checkpoint which was eons ago.

But maybe carpentry isn't your shtick. So let's get creative.

- Install a little air bag that can pop out so you can slam the controller on your forehead.

- Keep some walnuts and a hammer nearby (that's multi-tasking)

- Stab a pillow, watch the feathers fly it may amuse you to the point that you forget what pissed you off....... or if you're a neat freak it will make things worse

Look I just give the tips, you can go ahead and figure it out from there.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Welcome to Bonks....prepare yourself

The name is Bonks, I'm the coordinating producer for Sugar Gamers. I enjoy partying with all of you at our awesome events where you know me as Becca. You reading this blog means you wish to bond with me further, I am blushing. My freak flag will fly high on this blog. A few fun things to look out for; Characters I heart, Characters I loathe, gaming zen tips, geek chic style tips and dating advice (warning! Bonks might be full of crap while giving dating advice, she may now be marries but she had a terrible dating record.) Well, thanks for stopping by, more fun is on the way.
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