Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Welcome to Bonks....prepare yourself

The name is Bonks, I'm the coordinating producer for Sugar Gamers. I enjoy partying with all of you at our awesome events where you know me as Becca. You reading this blog means you wish to bond with me further, I am blushing. My freak flag will fly high on this blog. A few fun things to look out for; Characters I heart, Characters I loathe, gaming zen tips, geek chic style tips and dating advice (warning! Bonks might be full of crap while giving dating advice, she may now be marries but she had a terrible dating record.) Well, thanks for stopping by, more fun is on the way.

1 comment:

  1. yo! looking forward to meeting you!

    me thinks i could possibly use some chic tips...
    i'm an artist - i'm not grungy or smelly LOL - but i would like to learn more about make-up :p

    as far as dating goes, i don't think anyone has a squeaky clean record, heheh...

    feel free to check out my website and blog to see some of mah art!

    i also have a blog with the SG so visit that, too! =^_^=


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