Monday, December 21, 2009

Gaming Zen Tip #1

"The console controller is the bond between one's self and the gaming universe. To throw it in anger is to physically sever the bond."

Whether it be at the wall, TV, or the friend who just whipped your ass, chucking the controller rarely ends well. From the batteries popping out to giving your friend a handsome shiner they'll always treasure, we need to find an alternative to this reflex problem for so many. My number one and most sensible solution is to turn the game off before you get to this point, but that's not your style is it? Now of course the Wii has already somwhat countered this with that snazzy little wristband. If you plan on designing a wristband, a few things to keep in mind: no cutting off of circulartion, purple hands don't game very well. And make sure it's sturdy enough to withstand your highest level of gaming rage. I'm talkin', you walked into a fight with a boss with a ton of lives and all the items you needed and somehow you just got bitchsmacked back to your last checkpoint which was eons ago.

But maybe carpentry isn't your shtick. So let's get creative.

- Install a little air bag that can pop out so you can slam the controller on your forehead.

- Keep some walnuts and a hammer nearby (that's multi-tasking)

- Stab a pillow, watch the feathers fly it may amuse you to the point that you forget what pissed you off....... or if you're a neat freak it will make things worse

Look I just give the tips, you can go ahead and figure it out from there.

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