Monday, February 15, 2010

Mass Effect 2: Just Squint a Little (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)

If you're not working with a high definition television, more than likely you can't read the text in Mass Effect 2 making the game unplayable.

Now I'm trying to be as sympathetic as possible. Even though this effects a rather small portion of gamers, it's still a hefty number. And I know I'd be pissed. I do feel for those left out. It would appear the only option is to get with the program.

Well, some things go together. iPOD and iTunes, chips and dip and awesome newly released video games and HD TV's. A statement was issued that it was a design decision made by the company. I don't think one could call it a costly decision, but not everyone can afford a new TV right now. However, the truth is, gaming has become a pass time for the technologically advanced. I'm not making the rules here, I'm just being captain obvious.

If you can throw down for your xbox, and all the hot games, you can probably scrounge together enough money for a 30" HD from WalMart. Just consider it as a long term gaming investment. And Mass Effect 2 is awesome and I would completely condone the purchase of a new TV to play it. Actually that puts in the Hardcore category of gamers. It's all about how many meals you'll sacrifice to get your game on.

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