Monday, February 22, 2010

XBL Pro: Just Doing His Job

Do not get it twisted, the "Pro that abuses his power" is no abuser, and that was a terrible editing job. I've seen all the videos and there are a few things I would like to see happen.

1. Parents: PAY ATTENTION! Do you hear the way these CHILDREN (not old enough to play these games) and the way they speak!? I for one am tired of listening to these nasty mouthed little punks when it's past their bedtime. They say the most ignorant, disgusting shit and ruins my gaming experience. It's on your credit card, just cut 'em off!

2. I am very happy that Microsoft has made it clear that this "PRO" was merely following procedure. I hope this will put a little fear into the modders and cheaters, the ban hammer does exist and honestly, I was beginning to doubt it.

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Especially when I see shit like this popping up all over the web. Get a f**king life.

3. I hope Microsoft will cover the therapy costs that the Pro will need by the time he's done dealing with these gremlins.

The fact is, these little monsters were CHEATING aka BEING ASS HOLES aka DESERVED TO BE BANNED! END OF STORY. Glad we could have this talk. Considering that Sugar Gamers takes offense to cheaters, we salute you Pro man and are big fans of your work.

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