Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Brink: FPS Revolution? We Shall See (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)

Splash Damage has made some heavy promises with it's latest FPS project Brink.

On a planet that has been flooded (I'm really hoping there's no global warming reference here, that would be minus points), there stands a haven, heavily guarded by security who often come to blows with outside refugees. There are many different sides to the story as to who is the villain. A factor in game play is you can jump around to any mission and complete them in any order and not get lost in the plot.

Supposedly, you will have endless customization options with your characters. You'll choose from heavy to light body frames, this will help determine what kind of weapons you'll be able to use. SD has also claimed it will take classes to a new level. There several classes to choose, far more than I'm used to seeing which may very well be a good sign and of course will add campaign replay value.

The game will feature 24 weapons to unlock, for some reason this is a number I feel comfortable with. Too little is boring and often too many weapons become somewhat redundant. There are also perks and capabilities to unlock. Perhaps the biggest news to come out of this project so far is the SMART (Smooth Movement Across Random Terrain)function during game play. Apprently this function will allow you to climb or traverse difficult terrain faster. Some have criticized this as way to bring in less experienced FPS gamers. Usually the turn off for non FPS players is getting shot mercilessly over and over, I don't see how easier travelling would fix that unless it lets you run away. However I love a moving target and so do snipers, so I'm gonna hope that wasn't the intention.

My biggest anticipation is the muliplayer system. I haven't heard any specific game types yet, but there is a featured function I am very curious about. There will be an objective wheel that has certain commands that allow your teammates to know your intentions or alert them to a situation that needs to be taken care of. Basically it's supposed to eliminate the pointless call outs you and your friends try to make during game while talking over one another. It should also make even the most selfish pricks want to help their out their team to gain some XP. If you select an object that is high priority, you'll gain more XP. If this works out ,that would be great, I'm terrible with call outs, I'm too busy in gaming space to remember to call them out, and then I tell my teammates something after they're dead, which they don't appreciate.

Splash Damage has developed almost everything on their own. This includes the dynamic objective system, and the character customization. Brink is set to release this fall for PC, PS3, and Xbox360. If they can deliver on these promises, SD might be my new bff, I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed. We'll keep you updated.

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