Monday, February 8, 2010

Halo 2 We Will Miss You (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)

"Dual wielding ass hole!"

"Damn it, f**king needlers!"

"I love this sword!!! Ahahahah!"

Any of these sound familiar? They should, these words were commonplace back when Halo 3 was still in it's infancy and we were all hooked on killing each other in Halo 2. Halo 2 was not about length, it was the gift that kept giving with it's multi-player mayhem. Well, get your game on while you can on this FPS classic because Xbox will soon no longer support original Xbox multi-player.

You've got roughly a week left to enjoy this oldie but goodie. I will be hosting lobbies every night until it's removed. Enjoy the Shotgun, the snipe, and the joy of needling the shit out of some one with dual wielded needlers. It may be a little somber, but we must move on, to bigger and better things. As gamers we know we have to embrace the changes but we will never forget.

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