Jeans aka Denim, aka every girls least favorite thing to shop for. Here are some golden rules for Jeans.
1. The ruffed up vintage look is cute, BUT keep the holes to a minimum and very small. NO ONE SHOULD SEE YOUR SPIDER MAN UNDERPANTS!!
Save those for the lucky nerd who bags you.
2. You know those rubbed out light spots on the ass and thighs that you sometimes see? That is the most evil, stupid, ugly thing any designer has ever done to denim. It highlights areas most real women don't want highlighted and on our more slender girls, it just looks like your washing machine hates you. Just go ahead and skip those.
3. Simple fact, darker washes are slimming, lighter washes are not. The darker the jean, the slimmer you'll look.
4. Fit. Yeah I know, "jeans are supposed to fit?" Yes you silly geeky gooses, they're to supposed to FIT! What do I mean by fit? No matter the cut, jeans should give some definition to the buns buns. You should be able to sport a pair of jeans without a belt being a must to hold them up. On the other end of this argument, you should be able to BREATHE! You know, taking in oxygen so that you can function? Yeah, you have to be able to do that. You're allowed to expend a little energy putting on jeans but it shouldn't be WWIII, you got me? Zipping 'em up should take little effort.
5. Belts are good, they add a little polish. Of course, big girl belts add polish. Belts with bottle caps, ten tons of glitter or anything of the sort just make you look like you're trying to be twelve. (Now, I'm not telling you to dump your frilly belts, wait for the next installment of this blog and I'll show how to make those work in grown up fashion.)
Okay, Tee-shirts. We are geeks, we are die hard fans and we like to show it via the tee. And I love that we like to show it. But now I'm gonna give you some tips on how to make it fashion forward.
1. Again with fit, you guys really drive me crazy with this one. If you could only find that anime tee-shirt in the XXX men's size and you're swimming in it, guess what? That one is gonna have to stay in your pajama section, sorry. A good tee covers, the tummy and bust while giving definition but not squeezing you.
2. I'm gonna go ahead and say, as long as it fits as I have described above, you can buy any sort of geeky graphic you want. Although I will say, the more subtle, the easier it is to work with.
3. Vests, vests work wonders on making geeky tees look more grown up. Not just any vests. No puffys, and no bright colors. I want neutrals, that way they can be used with lots of outfits and tone down the tee. Below are some good examples that are easy to work with:
2. Scarves. Easy to put on, you don't need to wash them that often and are typically very affordable. Again, we're trying to tone down the kid vibe, but this one allows a lot more fun. I promise, just remember that if the tee has a lot of color, you'll probably want the scarf to be more on the neutral side or stick to solid colors. Otherwise you can make a boring geek tee into something more interesting with color or patterns. Below are some really fun and great examples that should work with even the busiest tees:
3. Jacket. I'm not talking about outdoor jackets, I'm talking about blazers and casual jackets. This is a great weapon to make a geeky tee look really sophisticated. I'm gonna with the same rules as the vests, keep 'em simple and neutral, I'll allow some prints and maybe a splash f color. Lemme show you some examples:
There are tons of jackets in all sizes that are very flattering. For my fellow curvier women I am going to tell you to be careful of the cropped jackets that cut off just under the bust, these don't really work for women like us.
Well look at you know, the T&J crisis has been averted, hooray! I always love our chats here. Thanks for reading and understanding my tough love, I do it because I love you, never forget that.
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