Friday, May 28, 2010

Let There be Tyrannis! (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)

The resource war is about to begin in the Eve Online universe. So, what does this mean for players? Tyrannis offers a whole new set of functions that allow you to
mine and conquer planets. There are countless planets in Eve that are ripe with valuable resources. It may also be all about the location, or a planet might just serve as a corporate clubhouse. Not all planets are the nicest of neighborhoods if you know what I mean, be weary of pirates! Taking these planets for oneself is no "care bear" task. This is an open invitation for space war mayhem.

What's even more exciting is that the addition is the first step forward to Dust 514, the console based game that promises to create influence on the Eve Online PC universe. Dust players will be mercenaries for hire to fight for and conquer these planets. And finally, my husband and I will be joined in gaming matrimony. Dust would bridge my love for FPS with my husband's obsession with the Eve Online universe. CCP won't breathe a word about Dust until Fanfest in March, ouch, looks like I'll have to book a flight. With Huxley as an example of what not to do, I feel confident that CCP will pull through with bridging the two gaming universes.

Mining and conquering come with all new command panels as seen below. You can start to see the start of the RTS portion of what will be required for Dust.

The Scorpion is a fan favorite ship despite it's age. So, as an extra nod to the hardcore players, Tyrannis also came with a new, sleek version of the ship and I have to say it looks smashing.

Player response to Tyrannis looks good thus far. Tyrannis came with a few other functions that allow players to schedule skill training without actually being logged in as well a calendar and other features that make it easier to be a dedicated player. Alright Eve players, let the games begin and make sure you've got plenty of clones stashed away.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Prince of Persia/ Airbender Race Relations: (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)

Oh my goodness, please don't start picketing folks. So, Airbender and Perisa have both cast whiteys for characters who are Persian and Asian. If you guys haven't seen the comments floating out there, this thing is amazing. I love that white guilt is so 2006. You've got minorities calling bullshit on the casting meanwhile whiteys are saying "I am soooo tired of the f**king race card." Well, at least we have an open dialog going, that's progress. Seriously, you guys should reddit this stuff there are some hysterical comments out there.

I love that this quickly went from questionable casting decisions to a full out race war. I personally find it a little tragic at how much spray tan they had to slap on Gyllenhal to get him to look the part. Look, my protest with Jake getting the part is I don't personally find him hot enough. There were cos players at ACEN that looked wayyyy hotter in that outfit, they even waxed! As for Airbender, I really couldn't give a shit, I have no intention of seeing it, but it is kind of amazing they couldn't find a little Asian kid to kick some ass.

Nerds should be totally used to this. Patrick Stewart was supposed to be Jean Luc Picard, a Frenchman (Calm down everyone, I am pro Picard, but I also took French for 13 years). Who then later made fun of Sean Connery in "Men in Tights" for playing King Richard with a blatant Scottish accent. Kirsten Dunst as Mary Jane, a character well known for her bust which Dunst just does not have. Hallie Barry would have made an a great Cat Woman if not for the shitty writing of that gawd awful suckfest. Sam Jackson is Nick Fury now, and it's awkward at best but no tears shed. It's all part of the movie magic guys! Pass me some Swedish Fish would ya?

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

ACEN Special: Oh Hai Yoshiko (By Rebecca “Bonks” Rothschild)

This whole thing was absolutely crazy, in a good way. We got word from the press office that someone major would be stopping by ACEN and to keep some time open. Then I we got word it was Yoshiko of X Japan, and he would be skyping with us. Skype my ass, the man appeared in the flesh and everyone went wild. There were even tears. This guy has everything I love, incredible talent, a fierce sense of style and great personality.

When asked “when did you realize your were famous?’ Yoshiko gave a big grin, shrugged his shoulders and answered with “I dunno……now?” Again the ACEN crowd roared. Originally the press was going to have a closed session with Yoshiko, but he insisted on the session being open for everyone. This was a rather brilliant move as X Japan will be performing at Lollapalooza this year which will be his first stateside performance. Yoshiko said he was “honored” to be performing with the heavy hitting line up. He also added “I always wanted to come to Chicago, you have nice pizza right?” And with that, Yoshiko seduced the entire nerd population of the Windy City.

Although it was a short visit we did find out his favorite instrument to play is the drums and he can’t see himself doing anything but music. When asked how he likes Anime Central he replied with “So far so good.” All in all it was a great combination of mystery, intrigue and down right fabulousness.

ACEN Special: Vic Mignogna, The One Man Con (By Rebecca “Bonks” Rothschild)

Where wasn’t Vic this year? Between panels, press sessions and Captain Kirk uniforms Vic managed to be everywhere at once and singing to himself the whole time. Mignogna, commonly recognized as the voice of Ed on FMA, has had a big year with FMA: Brotherhood and his new remix CD. His You Tube debut of his childhood Star Trek episodes only encouraged the Vic fever this year.

He is also showcasing his acting in the new Star Trek web series “New Voyages,” where he plays a Klingon, his Trekkie dreams are coming true. And of course he still has a lot of voice work ahead of him. He will be returning as Broly in Dragon Ball and he also mentioned some more video game work. The big voice job coming up for Vic is he will be playing Zero as well as Zero’s twin brother in Vampire Knight. This guy is bananas, does he know taking a break feels like?

During one panel session, Vic discussed with the audience possible casts for a live action film of FMA. We decided on Keanu Reeves for Colonel Mustang, at which point Vic did a great impression and it was hysterical. Other fun facts we learned in the panel, Vic was a Cop! I know! Later on at his press session I asked him if he brings any of his antics into the recording booth to break the ice. He said he walks into the studio saying “Do you want outtakes/” He even mentioned he likes to play tricks on the latest cast member Maxi Whithead who he adores. He also added that Aaron no longer sounds like Al due to puberty and the recast had to be done and there’s nothing but good feelings about the change.

One final fun note: This was Sugar Momma’s first ACEN as well as her first contact with Vic. So what did she do upon meeting him? Told him his butt looked great in his jeans. Well…it was true and he appreciated the compliment.

ACEN Special: Steve Downes, Class Act (By Rebecca “Bonks’ Rothschild)

Mr. Downes was perhaps the person I was looking forward to the most this year. No stranger to Chicago, you can hear Downes on 97.1 The Drive, where he displays his vast knowledge and respect for rock music. For those unaware, Steve Downes is the voice of Master Chief of Halo, so he’s forever immortal. He also has a ton of commercial experience, you’d be amazed where you might hear his voice if you really listen.

He walked into the room, sun glasses on and sporting a leather jacket. After introducing himself he asked “So what do you guys do?” To which I replied jokingly without missing a beat “stalk you.” He gave a little smile and the session began.

Some upcoming projects include some voice work for a PC game. It’s been known that Downes has a background in music. As he stated, he was a “frustrated drummer” and eventually the band broke up. I asked him how he adjusted to the transition from music fans to geek fans. He replied with “it was an education.” The most interesting thing to me is that he didn’t start doing cons until after the release of Halo 3. His first convention was three years ago in Miami during Halloween, that was probably a little jarring to say the least. He credited Vic Mignogna with helping him understand what role he has at these events. This cracks me up as the two couldn’t be more opposite in personality. When asked if he identifies with Spartan John 117 Downes said “I don’t carry him around,” also adding that he didn’t think it would be psychologically healthy to do so.

Well, good to see you Mr. Downes, I'll be excited to running back into Master Chief this fall.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Bonks's HRB Diary Day 8 (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)

Day 8, 05/10/2010
23:01 Hours

Dear HRB Diary,


That's just nasty.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Bonks's HRB Diary Day 7 (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)

Day 7, 05/09/2010
23:03 Hours

Dear HRB Diary,

Why are my teammates shooting me? Oh yeah, douche nozzles are forever present in the Halo universe.

TEAMWORK - Because together there is no obstacle we cannot teamkill

Seriously, can't we do things a little different this time? Maybe we could not teamkill and maybe only the closest of my friends can but their cyber nuts on my helmet. Nix the lagging and glitching. No more sexist, racial, anti-Semitic comments, if I get told one more time to go in the kitchen I'll start hacking man bits off at random, not good for the husband. But I know this is a tall order. Still, I'd like to start a movement before this game releases. Make a protest in game play against the douche baggery. Penny for your thoughts.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Bonks's HRB Diary Day 6 (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)

Day 6, 05/08/2010
16:00 Hours

Dear HRB Diary:

I decided to communicate my progress in screen shots today. Keep an eye on my medals as you look at these. Attempting to kill the Juggernaut is awful but once you are the's practically an orgasm.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Bonks's HRB Diary Day 5 (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)

Day 5, 05/07/2010
22:55 Hours

Dear HRB Diary,

Invasion has hit the beta and I'm a little iffy right now. I feel like the objective may be a little over complicated. However, it does make you use your brain and you MUST work with your team. As your team dominates positions you get more load outs and eventually vehicles. The spawn system is a little sketchy. You have to pick your spawn spot which is sort of annoying to always see the red reminder that your teammate is trying to spawn on your location. In all it was a little glitchy today but that's to be expected. I'm not really an uber team player, I typically wonder off and just shoot, but I'm trying to change my ways.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bonks's HRB Diary Day 4 (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)

Day 4, 05/06/2010
22:31 Hours

Dear HRB Diary:

Stockpile has become less of an annoyance, thanks to a little strategy given to me by my good friend Mr. Penguin. I spent a lot of time on the team hoppers. A little more glitchy and the party keeps falling apart. I hate being separated from my gaming buddies. And sometimes friends look like enemies so I hate to put on my COD vision to recognize the baddies.

The team stuff is pretty much the same. There's nothing better than destroying another team with your pals.

Hot topic gripes are the supposed over powered grenades. I don't find this to be the case, I personally have managed to side step frag and sticky alike with little difficulty. I do however miss the spike grenade but not to the point where I feel the need to bitch and moan about all day long on the Bungie forums. Fun fact I just learned way too late, the Needle rifle is fully automatic, hooray! I have to say, for an electric pink weapon, the needle weapons look far more menacing in Reach.

OMG, there are so many frickin' whiners! And they're just whinning like little crybabies over their mics. But I must be doing something right as I finally got someone to belt out a "Catch U Next Tuesday" gripe as I bitch-smacked him for the umteenth time. HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR YOURSELF! WHEN A GIRL PUNCHES YOU YOU DON'T RUB IT! Shove some french cries in it loser.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bonk's HRB Diary Day 3 (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)

Day 3: 05/05/2010
12:51 hours
Games Won: 10

Dear HRB Diary:

Man, it's rough out there today. First I went to give my feedback to Bungie and the forums are stuffed with obnoxious troll comments. Yes I suppose there are some subtle COD similarities but so what!? COD is a rockin' game too so whatever. I think people are afraid of change when it comes to their favorite game franchises. The truth is video games need to evolve and I find these changes to be subtle and really fun. Don't know if I can make another trip to the feedback forums without getting seriously irritated.

So then I hop into to some free for all and I had a few issues. So I decided to take a little breather and enjoy the sun...

After my little sun tanning session I found my stride again...

And then I got a little carried away...

So yeah, productive day for sure. I did manage to swing a classic slayer win. There were only a few hiccups such as load outs would stop working and of course a few blackscreens but otherwise pretty smooth. Matchmaking speed is still solid.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bonks's HRB Diary Day 2 (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)

May 4th, 23:55 hours
Day 2
Games Won: 7

Dear HRB Diary,

Guess what's back.....back again....T-bagging's back....never ends

Yeah that's a whole a lot of fun. Anywhoo, I have mastered the sticky grenade launcher. Looooove sticking one dude with all four grenades. Had my first Covy Slayer which is Slayer as an elite, they growl a lot. Finally got into the groove and got some killing sprees, grav hammer helped with that.
All of the sudden I see the bulltrue medal so maybe I was wrong about that, no more sad face. Much smoother today by the way, looks like Bungie got some more server space, finding a match is much easier.

Our Newest Member, Vera the Zibit Bot (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)

Say hello to Vera.

She can't be more than 3 inches tall but she packs a real punch. I LOVE THIS THING! Courtesy of Senario comes Zibits, these adorable RC controlled robots that retail for just 10 bones. What I love best is how these things appeal to kids and adults and cats alike. There are twelve bots in all and they hail from different "scenes" such as junk, tech, or urban bots.

I think they should be named the cubicle accessory of the year.

Vera makes an excellent office assistant. She never looks back, only moving forward ahead (the remote has two moves, forward and 360 spin). And as you can see she's incredibly photogenic. You have to love the simplicity, it's not some needy virtual pet or starving Barbie. This is has all the basics I need, it's cute as a button, easy to use and it's a frickin' robot! Hooray! Thanks Senario, your research was correct, I am amused and will be for a while. You can grab these little guys at, and Toys "R" Us.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Bonks’s HRB (Halo Reach Beta) Diary #1 (By Rebecca “ Bonks” Rothschild)

Day 1: 05/03/2010
20:42 hours (8:42 pm)
Current Rank: Corporal
Games Won: 1

Dear HRB Diary,

ZOMG the beta is up! Holly crap it takes a long frickin’ time to get into a game. However, this is not uncommon with betas. Bungie said the more the merrier, but there doesn’t seem to be enough server space, although again, this is common with betas. Actually that one was at times common with Halo 3 game play so no surprise there. Basically, once I’m in I stay in, even if I can’t feel my thumbs anymore, I know, I’m super gamer gangster.

So, what did I learn today?

*Armor looks amazing, much like the ODST customization but prettier.

*It’s fun to buy yourself some sexy armor with your credits.

* The gave us a little sample of the game soundtrack, meh, but it’s only the beta.

* New weapons are, fun I loves them all. The ones I rely on most are the needler, AR and DMR. Still getting used to needle rifle. Sticky grenade launcher is a little tricky, you gotta charge it up a little bit but it does home in on targets to a point. Oh, and I’m very happy to the scope being back on the pistol.

* The matchmaking system has features that make it smarter because you can put in preferences.

* The kits are cool, I like scout and stalker the most, because I am a ninja. Guardian is a great kit but I think it will have more effect against the vehicles rather than people.

* There’s no lady Spartans, that damn well better change for the final product.

* Your emblem is not on your armor. Speaking of emblems, there’s some new stuff but not too much, hopefully there will be lots of new additions in the final product.

* It’s wayyyyy too hard to kill the Juggernaut, they might wanna take another crack at that.

* I still hate all things flag and Oddball but Headhunter is super fun, I won one of those.

* There’s no bulltrue, sad face.

* Maps are good thus far. I've only played on Powerhouse and Sword but they're not too big or too small.

* Call outs will be much easier as every area on the map is labled on your HUD for example “Rock Garden” or “Dirt Patch“.

* "Opportunis" is my new favorite medal, it smiles.

* Some of the medals I scored today

- Double Kill
See full size image
- Stuck
- First Strike
- Headshot
- Pummel
- Vengeance
- Opportunist
- From the Grave (always get lots of these)

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