Friday, May 7, 2010

Bonks's HRB Diary Day 5 (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)

Day 5, 05/07/2010
22:55 Hours

Dear HRB Diary,

Invasion has hit the beta and I'm a little iffy right now. I feel like the objective may be a little over complicated. However, it does make you use your brain and you MUST work with your team. As your team dominates positions you get more load outs and eventually vehicles. The spawn system is a little sketchy. You have to pick your spawn spot which is sort of annoying to always see the red reminder that your teammate is trying to spawn on your location. In all it was a little glitchy today but that's to be expected. I'm not really an uber team player, I typically wonder off and just shoot, but I'm trying to change my ways.

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