Sunday, May 9, 2010

Bonks's HRB Diary Day 7 (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)

Day 7, 05/09/2010
23:03 Hours

Dear HRB Diary,

Why are my teammates shooting me? Oh yeah, douche nozzles are forever present in the Halo universe.

TEAMWORK - Because together there is no obstacle we cannot teamkill

Seriously, can't we do things a little different this time? Maybe we could not teamkill and maybe only the closest of my friends can but their cyber nuts on my helmet. Nix the lagging and glitching. No more sexist, racial, anti-Semitic comments, if I get told one more time to go in the kitchen I'll start hacking man bits off at random, not good for the husband. But I know this is a tall order. Still, I'd like to start a movement before this game releases. Make a protest in game play against the douche baggery. Penny for your thoughts.

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