Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bonk's HRB Diary Day 3 (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)

Day 3: 05/05/2010
12:51 hours
Games Won: 10

Dear HRB Diary:

Man, it's rough out there today. First I went to give my feedback to Bungie and the forums are stuffed with obnoxious troll comments. Yes I suppose there are some subtle COD similarities but so what!? COD is a rockin' game too so whatever. I think people are afraid of change when it comes to their favorite game franchises. The truth is video games need to evolve and I find these changes to be subtle and really fun. Don't know if I can make another trip to the feedback forums without getting seriously irritated.

So then I hop into to some free for all and I had a few issues. So I decided to take a little breather and enjoy the sun...

After my little sun tanning session I found my stride again...

And then I got a little carried away...

So yeah, productive day for sure. I did manage to swing a classic slayer win. There were only a few hiccups such as load outs would stop working and of course a few blackscreens but otherwise pretty smooth. Matchmaking speed is still solid.

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