Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bonks's HRB Diary Day 2 (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)

May 4th, 23:55 hours
Day 2
Games Won: 7

Dear HRB Diary,

Guess what's back.....back again....T-bagging's back....never ends

Yeah that's a whole a lot of fun. Anywhoo, I have mastered the sticky grenade launcher. Looooove sticking one dude with all four grenades. Had my first Covy Slayer which is Slayer as an elite, they growl a lot. Finally got into the groove and got some killing sprees, grav hammer helped with that.
All of the sudden I see the bulltrue medal so maybe I was wrong about that, no more sad face. Much smoother today by the way, looks like Bungie got some more server space, finding a match is much easier.

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