Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bonks's HRB Diary Day 4 (By Rebecca "Bonks" Rothschild)

Day 4, 05/06/2010
22:31 Hours

Dear HRB Diary:

Stockpile has become less of an annoyance, thanks to a little strategy given to me by my good friend Mr. Penguin. I spent a lot of time on the team hoppers. A little more glitchy and the party keeps falling apart. I hate being separated from my gaming buddies. And sometimes friends look like enemies so I hate to put on my COD vision to recognize the baddies.

The team stuff is pretty much the same. There's nothing better than destroying another team with your pals.

Hot topic gripes are the supposed over powered grenades. I don't find this to be the case, I personally have managed to side step frag and sticky alike with little difficulty. I do however miss the spike grenade but not to the point where I feel the need to bitch and moan about all day long on the Bungie forums. Fun fact I just learned way too late, the Needle rifle is fully automatic, hooray! I have to say, for an electric pink weapon, the needle weapons look far more menacing in Reach.

OMG, there are so many frickin' whiners! And they're just whinning like little crybabies over their mics. But I must be doing something right as I finally got someone to belt out a "Catch U Next Tuesday" gripe as I bitch-smacked him for the umteenth time. HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR YOURSELF! WHEN A GIRL PUNCHES YOU YOU DON'T RUB IT! Shove some french cries in it loser.

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